
4429 Kingsway
Burnaby, BC
V5H 2A1

Incourage Counselling Inc.

Unit # 37
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Welcome to Incourage Counselling

Life is full of challenges. We often feel disconnected from others, situations are too challenging and scary, important relationships have daily conflicts and disagreements, or incidents happen to us out of nowhere and now we are stuck with the aftermath of it. In addition to surviving the COVID-19 pandemic. We can experience losses, confusion, anger, loneliness, fear and impending doom, and separations and be stuck in them.

Our team’s approach is attachment-based, trauma-informed/sensitive, neuroscience/evidence-based with a focus on insight (emotion and cognitive awareness and shifts) and behavioural changes, to help you achieve a life worth living. A life full of meaningful relationships and purposeful direction.

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